2nd Shot Espresso
488 Ruthven St, Toowoomba City, Queensland
Toowoomba Black Coffee When : Friday September 29, 2023 - 7:30 am - 9:00 am Where: 2nd Shot Cafe, 488 Ruthven St, Toowoomba City QLD 4350 Please RSVP your attendance to Black Coffee via the calendar below
Lagaw Titui
42 Douglas St, Thursday Island, Queensland
Thursday Island Blayk Coffee Date: Tuesday October 3, 2023 Time: 7:00 am Venue: Lagaw Titui Cafe (Island Stars Cafe) This event will take place at Island Stars Cafe who are an Indigenous owned business that offers coffee, catering and ‘cultural performances’ for visitors. This event is one of a number of activities on T.I. and the Northern […]
Mary's Place
120 Cunningham Street, Dalby, Queensland
Dalby Black Coffee Join our Volunteer Regional Coordinator Ashley Williams from TSBE along with this months hosts Western Downs Regional Council. Western Downs Regional Council supports a growing region at the forefront of a changing world, with around 35,000 residents across 38,000km2. Home to Australia's second largest road network, one of the nation's largest cattle […]
Folk Lore Cafe' Port Adelaide
The Annex via, Mundy St, Port Adelaide SA, Port Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Port Adelaide, Black Coffee When: Friday October 6, 2023 at 11:oo am - 1:00 pm Where: Folklore Cafe, Port Adelaide Location: The Annex via. Mundy St Port Adelaide, SA 5015 RSVP: Below
Bina's Cafe & Kitchen
Shop 5, Vincent Village, 249 Fulham Road, Vincent, Townsville, Queensland
Townsville, Black Coffee Business Yarnz Date: Tuesday October 10, 2023 Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am Location: Bina’s Café & Kitchen at Shop 5, Vincent Village, 249 Fulham Road Vincent, Townsville. RSVP: Is a must below
Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation 78 Marshall Street Goondiwindi, QLD 4390
78 Marshall Street Goondiwindi, QLD 4390, Queensland, Australia
Goondiwindi, Black Coffee When: Tuesday October, 2023 at 8:00 am - 9:30 am Where: Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation 78 Marshall Street Goondiwindi, QLD 4390 RSVP is a must due to catering via the calendar below
Windmill Motel and Events Centre
5 Highway Plaza Bruce Hwy, Mackay
Mackay Black Coffee cohosted by C-RES When: Thursday October 19, 2023 at 7:30 am - 9:00 am Where: Windmill Motel And Events Centre, 5 Highway Plaza Bruce Hwy, Mackay RSVP: Is a must via calendar below
Gunnedah, Black Coffee Everyone is invited – lets celebrate Indigenous Business Month and Small Business together as a community! When: Tuesday October 19, 2023 Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Where: Verdict Café Gunnedah, 7/147 Conadilly St, Gunnedah NSW 2380 RSVP is a must below
Fire Station 101
101 Limestone Street, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
Ipswich Black Coffee Black Coffee is a grassroots First Nations business networking opportunity held in regions across Australia each month with a goal to provide a platform to connect micro and small business owners. First Nations business owners, professionals and their supporters are invited to get together and have a yarn. When: Wednesday October 25, […]
Dhiiyaan Centre Moree
38 Albert Street, Moree, NSW
Moree Black Coffee An inaugural Black Coffee meeting, bringing the community, businesses and like minded people together for a yarn and a cuppa to talk about IBM. Everyone is invited– lets celebrate Indigenous Business Month and Small Business together as a community! When: Wednesday 25 October 2023 Time: 10:30am-12:30pm Where: Dhiiyaan Centre Moree - 38 […]
Coomera Connector Central
Ground Floor 144 Montague Road (Cnr Brereton St), West End Qld 4101
Indigenous Business Month Coomera Connector Central Black Coffee... The Coomera Connector Central team will host its first Black Coffee event, To gather, together. This is a high-level briefing and introduction to key businesses and stakeholders relating to the project. There will be numerous other events and pathways to connect Indigenous businesses to the project over […]